A Hive of Activity!

We have been blown away by all the fantastic learning you have been completing and sending into to us, you all are truly amazing Year 3, and we miss you all!

We are going to be doing one weekly blog every Friday, showing off all the work that is emailed into us, so that you can see what your friends are doing and magpie some truly fabulous ideas from each other.

Through the online Quizzes we will also be asking your opinion on things e.g. your favourite books to read to share with your friends or if you have something you like to tell you friend or simply what can’t you wait to do after lockdown?

So get emailing year3@kingsholm.gloucs.sch.uk with all your amazing work and antics!

Scroll down this blog to find out all about…

  • Random Acts of Kindness and Easter Festivities.
  • Times Table Rockstar Battles- the verdict.
  • Open Your Mind and Open a Book.
  • Mathematical Masterminds
  • Awongalema madness.
  • Iron Age Fort Creativity
  • Stimulating Science

Random Acts of Kindness and Easter Festivities!

During the Easter period you were tasked in completing activities linked to spending time with your families, how to be kind to others and of course getting crafty. Here are some pictures we had sent in by some of the Year 3’s…

Mathopoly- A game to be played with all the family!

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Here is some fabulous artwork:

Don’t forget to email pictures of the things you got up to over Easter so you can share it with your friends and teachers through our blog!

Times Table Rockstar Battles- The Verdict. 

We have loved seeing many of you raising your game when doing TTRS. Look out for some challenges from your teachers and let’s see how many coins you can collect. Looking at the whole school we have some high flying times table whizzes in Year 3 performing amazing and up there with some of the higher year groups!

Here is an image of the Easter Battle:


Amazing work Year 3(Whoop Whoop 3HA and 3G)… I wonder which class will win the next battle!

Open Your Mind and Open a Book!

It was great to receive a list of books from one of our Year 3’s last week.

“Over the past few weeks, I have read The Girl Who Speaks Bear, written by Sophie Anderson (who is also the bestselling author of The House With Chicken Legs); Starfell and the Lost Day; Billionaire Boy and Scarlet and Blaze.”

Mrs Hathaway recommendations this week: The Huntress Trilogy by Sarah Driver and The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell.

It would be lovely to share books that you have been reading or have read at home and books that you think your friends would enjoy. Look out for the reading Quiz that asks you what your favourite books are to read!


Awongalema Madness

We love this story in Year 3 and we are hoping you are enjoying it as much as us. This week has mainly been about retelling and learning a given text, hopefully you can know tell the story with little to no help!

Here is some of your fabulous learning that you wanted to share with your friends and teachers. I particularly like the Tortoise and Buffalo drawing  in the story board.

And here we have the finished product, I loved the extra description added into the story to make it even more interesting.

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Mathematical Masterminds

Look at all this fabulous work from Fluency to fractions!

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Iron Age Fort Creativity

This week’s Theme learning has been focused on your learning about the Iron Age, we were thrilled to receive so many emails this week showing off your amazing learning. Here are images to you can see of each others learning:

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It was lovely to hear that some of you are talking to each other. Here we have a piece of work inspired by two of our Year 3’s through the use of Minecraft … I know Mrs Garrod is extremely impressed as we all are. Unfortunately, I am unable to upload the video that you sent in, however, we loved your explanation video!!

Minecraft 2

Stimulating Science!

This week saw the start of a new science unit Rocks and Soils. This weeks learning was about recognising the link between rocks and other materials.

Loved this picture 🙂